Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Contact paper update!

The biggest fear with spending time and money putting contact paper on the tables was definitely that the kids were going to pick at it and peel it off. Well, we are nearing the end of week four of school (crazy, right!?) and I can report that the kids have been doing great at helping to care for the tables and not pick at them. But, there has been a snag, literally. The contact paper is easily scraped by sharp objects such as scissors, binders, spiral notebook wires, etc. And there have been a few tears. Luckily these are quickly and easily repaired by covering it with a small piece of the contact paper. This formica style blends well and you can't even see where I covered it up. This was a good time to also remind the kids about caring for the tables, and I can tell they are genuinely concerned because they like the way it looks too!

Unfortunately my round table has been the hardest hit. I teach the intervention math class and three days a week we have a para who comes in and works with small groups at that table, and with white boards. These are my not-so-smooth, cut-at-the-hardware store, white boards, and the rough edges have been scraping the table. So today I put tape around the edge of the white boards to soften them up, and added some electrical tape over the scrapes along the edge of the table. If that doesn't work I might consider a white board alternative or remove the contact paper from that table. No biggie.

Regardless, I think my room is still looking quite good as we prepare for week 5! 


  1. I seriously LOVE your tables! When you did the first post about them I was amazed and have thought about it many times when I am looking at my classroom tables. Thanks for the update!!


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