You are AWESOME! There is nothing I could say that you don't already know about how amazing you are - about how you literally put your blood, sweat, tears, heart, and soul into your job. As a colleague I know the tough job you have and see your struggles and joys everyday. I love how teachers support teachers - because there often isn't anyone advocating for us. You are appreciated, everyday, but it is this week that we make sure to show our appreciation. From one teacher to another - Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!

I wish I could raise your salary, decrease your class sizes, give you all a personal secretary, give you access to endless supplies, and provide an on-staff masseuse. Instead, I hope you are showered with love from your students, administration, PTO, and your loved ones. Make sure to pamper yourself a bit too - I treated myself to a 90 minute massage yesterday.
Although I can't give you all you deserve I do have some pretty cool freebies (see the link at the top of the page). I also have a few secret Fan Freebies on my Facebook page.
Also, Teachers Pay Teachers is hosting a 2-day sale tomorrow and Wednesday. Get up to 20% at many stores and an additional 10% off with code TPTXO. I'm excitedly filling up my cart!
Thanks Michelle from The 3am Teacher for the lovely sale graphic. (I'm saving my pennies for one of her custom blog designs!!!)