Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Matter Poster

We are just returning from a lovely two-week fall break. Teachers returned to work for a couple of days and students return tomorrow. It's great to have these two days to ease back into work and school. I had great intentions of blogging over break, but I was too busy being lazy. Actually, I was quite busy, but that's no excuse.

Before we finished the quarter we had been studying matter. We made bag bombs, elephant toothpaste, and tested mystery powders. As a culminating activity, and instead of a traditional pencil and paper test, I had the students create a Matter Poster. I just provided them with a basic set of directions and let them be creative. I had some interest when I posted this on Instagram and so I decided to make this a freebie! I LOVE freebies!

The class did a phenomenal job on their posters and they are still hanging in our room. They are all unique, yet still convey the learning that took place. I hope you find this useful with your own students. 
