My summer is almost officially over *sad face*. Tomorrow is the last day of freedom before returning to work on Tuesday. Of course I'll probably be in my room tomorrow (as I was for a couple of days last week) getting a head start. I have to say, though, that I am super excited about this school year, it's a big one for me, year 10! I'm looking forward to meeting my new 5th graders and having an awesome year together. I have two new team members which I've already chatted with quite a bit, and I get to catch up with my teacher pals! Plus, this is the first time in about 7 years that I will be able to see my former students around campus.
My real-life colleague and friend
Angie from Fall into First is hosting a linky party to help kick off the new school year.
Resolution #1 - Launch {and maintain} Readers/Writers Workshop
I am SO EXCITED to start Reading/Writing Workshop this year. I had "heard" of other blogger teachers using this in their classrooms, and my friend Dana from
Learning Required, started using it in her room already, so I just had to find out more about this amazing program. This summer I read four books on Reading/Writing Workshop, and I have one more on it's way. I love all of the ideas I've gathered, but I am still shaky about getting started. I know that the lessons (especially those for the first few weeks) are already outlined for me, so I know I'll get the hang of it soon enough.
Resolution #2 - Just Say NO
As teachers we are expected to accomplish infinite tasks, yes, we ARE superheroes, but even superheroes have limits. In the past few years I have found my self stressed out, physically exhausted, and emotionally drained, and it isn't helping me to be a better teacher (rather it is having the opposite affect). I hate to say no, but I am learning to do it, and it is already helping me feel calm and ready. I'm planning on using time I would have spent on those extra tasks for deeper lesson planning and me time (getting to the gym more, reading that pile of books by my bed, and spending time with my family/friends)!
Resolution #3 - Track Student Data
I've mentioned this before, but there has been a lot of talk in education about the importance of tracking individual student progress. I see value in this, but I think it will be even more valuable to have the students involved in and in charge of their own data tracking. I want to keep it simple this year to get a feel for data tracking, so if anyone has any ideas/resources to share I'd grateful.
Your turn! Blog about your New {School} Year Resolutions and link up with
Fall into First.
Also, I am so overwhelmed with the blog love lately! Although I prefer Feedly, I'm lovin' that BlogLovin' helps users find other blogs they'd like. I almost have 200 BlogLovin' followers! Wow! Also, I've had about 5 or 6 Liebster Award nominations from some awesome bloggers. Including:
Teaching in Cardigans
Life in Room 24
Shepard's Shining Stars
Nerdy Nerdy Nerdy
The Teacher's Desk 6
If I missed you, please let me know!
Do you know what the Liebster Award is? Well, basically it's a chain letter for blogs. Continue reading after the jump.