Eek! It's been too long since a post, and I have so much to post about. I'll have to catch up next month when I'm on spring break. Until then, I wanted to share my Valentine's for my class.
A couple of years ago I scored
some a bazillion calculators from Target's back-to-school clearance for only a quarter each! Even though I cleared out a lot of
junk valuables when I moved classrooms, I still have too much stuff and was not only happy to get these cleared out, but I came up with some cute and inexpensive gifts for my kiddos.
I made a simple label to wrap around them, and used the Let's Go Digital font to make it even cuter.
One of my amazing mom volunteers used her gorgeous handwriting to write the kids' names on and I just wrapped and glued them.
Now I just have to hope I can score another sweet deal on calculators next back-to-school so I can make these again.
Tomorrow I have my second formal observation (I figured since he came for the first one on Halloween, why not do the second one on Valentine's Day). Our district discourages the celebration of holidays, so it will be a "normal" school day, but the students will get to pass out any cards/treats before dismissal.
Although I haven't been blogging consistently, I do have some great things planned, including freebies and a giveaway, so stay tuned.
And I wanted to share one more thing that just made my week. We are currently working on lit studies in my room. There are 5 groups and each is reading one of three books (The Whipping Boy, Tuck Everlasting, and The River). Each week they have a different job to complete in preparation for their weekly group discussions. The other day one of my boys came up to me, packet of jobs in hand, and said he needed another copy of them. I was a bit confused because he obviously hadn't misplaced his copy, so I asked him why he needed another copy.
"Well, my friends and I were at the book fair and we saw this really good book, so we are all going to buy it and do our own lit study on it."
I'm sure you can imagine my teacher heart melting.
"Of course you can have another copy!"
I wandered over to the book fair this afternoon and bought a copy of the spooky sounding book for myself to read too.