Monday, June 24, 2013

Going against the grain...I'm a Feedly gal

I have been a devoted Google Reader user for years, so, like many, I was devastated to learn that they are shutting down this service. I wasn't happy about trying out and finding a new reader program but about a month ago I started using Feedly. It was nearly love at first click. With one-click migration I literally migrated my Google Reader subscriptions to Feedly in no more than a minute.

The interface is sleek and smooth with a variety of options for viewing subscribed blogs. A few minutes later I had the Android app installed on my phone and was impressed with how quickly I was won over. A month later I am still lovin' Feedly.

If you are still on the fence about which reader to use (hurry - Google Reader retires on July 1!) I highly recommend Feedly. I know that all the blogs I follow have been endorsing BlogLovin' but I have already fallen in love with Feedly and although I haven't tried BlogLovin' I know it just isn't going to make me as happy as Feedly has. The point of having a reader is to easily follow all those awesome blogs out there - they make blog following so much better - so, no matter which one you choose just make sure to get your subscriptions moved over before Google Reader goes offline.

EDIT: I added both a Feedly and BlogLovin button in the sidebar for one-click following :D


  1. Like you said, feedly is really smooth and easy for using on my phone.
    I will still use GFC and go through blogger dashboard on my laptop or seeing posts, but I have a feeling I'll be using both bloglovin and feedly on my phone and ipad.

    Digital: Divide & Conquer

  2. I did the exact same thing -- went with Feedly first and haven't looked back. Glad to see I'm not the only one out there who isn't lovin BlogLovin!

    Eberopolis: Teaching Reading & Writing with Technology

  3. I too moved to Feedly a while back, and I love it! I was beginning to feel a little left out with everyone moving to Bloglovin', so it's nice to hear there are others using Feedly too!

    I3: Imagine. Inspire. Innovate.

  4. I'm with you I'm in the feedly camp too. I have been using it a while. I tried blog lovin when it started getting attention but I'm that satisfied with it

    room 4 imagination


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