Every time I think about the TpT BTS Sale this August 18 - 19 (for some of you it's already started!) I get a bit giggly. It's hilarious to me to think that we have been back in school for a whole four weeks and many of you teachers have just started or still have some of your sweet vacation left. Regardless, a TpT sale is a big deal! Sunday and Monday you get 20% off my TpT store, and many other stores, plus you get an additional 10% off by using code BTS13.
(Thank you Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah for this gorgeous banner!)
Some bloggers put together this excellent link up to share some wish list items.
I was honestly surprised to see how many people have wish listed some of my items. I'm both flattered an humbled. What wasn't surprising was the top wish listed items, they also happen to be my top sellers.

My #1 wish listed item is The American Revolution Lapbook/Interactive Notebook. I absolutely love putting together foldables with my students and I started getting into lapbooks a couple of years ago. Last year this was my big project and I hope to put together a few more this year. Perhaps on explorers, the 13 colonies, westward expansion, and maybe even the civil war.

The second most wish listed item is Calendar Math for Upper Grades. When I moved down to 5th grade last year I left a somewhat departmentalized 6th grade and I hadn't taught math in years. I knew that I wanted some kind of spiral review for my students and I know that calendar math in the lower grades really helps students see patterns in math, so I developed this for my intervention class. My kiddos work on this with one of our intervention aids and she does a fabulous job.
This product has 4 different sheets of math intended to be two back-to-back worksheets and was intended to be used for the first semester. Because my intervention kiddos needed even more practice with these skills they weren't ready for a new sheet and this took them through the whole year. I do intend on making a second semester though I'd love some feedback and ideas for what to include!

Although I made a set of Common Core posters last year I absolutely fell in love with Jason's Online Classroom's poster set. These include "I can..." statements but the selling point is the example! Wow, what a great thing to include for both students AND teachers!
What's on your wish list???
I am loving the American Revolution Lapbook idea. Thank you for sharing!
Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'