Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Observed on Halloween!

Our district de-emphasizes the observance of Halloween. Mainly they don't want parties that infringe on instructional time and topics that might be violent/gruesome. Halloween is one of the best holidays (if not THE best) but I pretty much downplay it in class. I do leave them a little non-sugary treat, usually of the school variety. This year I found out that Plants vs. Zombies and the ADA were giving away the game for free. I knew my kids would love this and they did! Plants vs. Zombies is one of my favorite video games, I've played it over and over! The coupons are still good until the 10th if you'd like to get a free copy of the game or hand them out to your students. 

My principal stopped by to drop something off just as we were starting math. It was me, the para, and both resource teachers and we were starting our intervention group rotations. The principal saw the perfect opportunity to get three observations completed in one go and was there for about an hour. This was NOTHING like my terrible observation at the beginning of the year. Although it was Halloween it was PERFECT timing. My math rotation always runs smoothly and he was so impressed. We get immediate feedback through iObservation and he left excellent notes. The ladies in the office said that the principal was even raving about it later. Boom!

Oh, and NaNoWriMo begins tomorrow! Let the crazy month of writing commence!

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